Should a Shed Company Have A Website?
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In the previous blog, we discussed the importance of managing your online presence and how to prepare for the shed spring rush. The question we’ll be discussing in this post is “Should a Shed Company have a website?”
Shed Businesses do need an online presence
When we talk to shed owners about the need of having a website for a shed business, they tell us, “I don’t need a website” or “I am selling way too much”. However, what we see is that these companies are missing out on making more money or having a resource of previous contacts that didn’t buy.
The shed industry has transformed a lot since the COVID-19 pandemic. The way we answer the question: “ How do I start a shed business?” is also totally different than it used to be. Now, shed businesses need not only a shed lot, but also an online presence (a website) to present their sheds online.
Be prepared for the new trend
Currently, 63% of shopping is done online1, and that’s going to increase to 95% by 2040.
For decades, Shed buyers have driven miles to build their sheds. However, since the pandemic, their behavior has changed. They open their laptop, search for “shed for sale near me” and start their buying process after a few clicks.
Shed owners must go online to capture the new trend if they don’t want to be left far behind.
A website is a great place to start an online presence

Facebook is a great first start if you are looking to put your company online, but it has limitations like:
1. Customer’s Attention:
While a user is on your Facebook page, they are getting suggestions to view other pages that want their attention. You might be posting some incredible content; but if they see that pair of shoes or even another shed, then there goes your potential customer.
A website displays your business’s products to keep you at the top of customer’s mind.
2. Personalization:
It’s great to post photos and videos on Facebook to engage new and old customers, but it doesn’t allow your company to brand itself.
When we refer to a brand, we are talking about the color scheme and personal touches on the page. Your website provides users a unique experience from every other Facebook page, which drives them to search your products more or use the 3D shed builder to purchase a shed.
3. Google Search:
If you don’t have a website, you are missing out on potential customers who are searching for it on Google. Do you go to Facebook first to search for a product?
The majority of searches happen on Google, so if people are searching for “sheds for sale, portable buildings, custom shed” you are losing a potential customer because your Facebook page is in the sea of other pages.
Get started with a basic one-page website.
Here at ShedPro, we can help you set up a basic webpage with the following information: About Us, photos of sheds, videos of sheds, contact information, and contact form. This allows a customer to get some basic information on your company and provides a “digital storefront”.
If what you need is a multiple-page website, we can handle that as well.
Talk to our sales team so that you can get a demo of what your website could be like.
If you are doing Facebook only, then it’s a great time to start a website to get traffic through Google. You are potentially losing customers because all your focus is on Facebook.
Use your website as an opportunity to better brand your business and post more information like blogs on your company.
Potential customers love seeing pictures of your products; but if they can read about a “floorless garage delivery” and how your company is changing the shed industry, then a blog post is a great way to showcase your advantages.
Be sure to post these blogs and content on your Facebook or social media pages to drive traffic to your website where you can hook them.
- Christopher Benitez (2022). 22 Top Ecommerce Statistics And Trends For 2022